



Ven con Fidel a Canadá
•Fechas: Semana Santa Del 27 Marzo al 03 Abril 2010
•SKI y SNOWBOARD; Plazas Limitadas.
•Detalles, info y precios aquí:
•Mail contacto/reservas: prensa@fidelalonso.com
Fotos: César de la Hoz

¿Te gustaría esquiar o surfear en uno de los lugares más impresionantes del planeta con la mejor nieve del mundo? Te ofrecemos pegarte el viaje de tu vida sin preocupaciones.

Fidel Alonso te lleva a probar la experiencia (o repetir) del Heli-esquí/boarding independientemente de tu nivel? Tranquil@, no hace falta ser un mega experto ni saltar desde el helicóptero (¡esto es sólo un mito!), con saber deslizarte, es suficiente, ¿Qué no te lo crees?

Con nivel turista ó avanzado, sólo ó con amigos… pero acompañado de un rider profesional con todas las medidas de seguridad posibles.

Si tu respuesta es afirmativa, sigue leyendo.

Te proponemos un viaje de ensueño para deslizarte por la nieve polvo más increíble del mundo, las mejores estaciones de Canadá y los paisajes más impresionantes.



Esta tarde le he robado este video a Javi del Blog de "AL OTRO LADO"












Fotos resumen BCN SNOW SHOW


Wade Simmons y Andrew Shandro disfrutando en el North Shore de Vancouver

A short film by Quiksilver

Pensaba que tal vez saldrían imágenes de Kelly Slater en la sesión que compartimos con él en Nazaret, pero habrá que esperar a otra ocasión.



BAQUEIRA BERET ha sido la ubicación elegida para que SAMSUNG ruede su último anuncio que ya se está emitiendo en USA y Canada coincidiendo con las OPLIMPIADAS 2010 EN VANCOUVER.

PUMP TRACK en el bosque

Todo un lujo...

Chuckies Trails from Victor Lucas on Vimeo.




Uno de los mejores eventos de deportes extremos de EUROPA; apunta la fecha y prepara tú viaje a MONTPELLIER

REVISTA BIKE; El 2009 en imágenes

BIKE 2009: Un año en fotos from Gonzalo Manera on Vimeo.





Una obra de arte. Te puedes descargar este link con información técnica del producto.


Una salida nocturna muy especial...

Lupine Lights Promo from RedfernMedia on Vimeo.


How do you follow up life as a pro athlete? When your first act is so sweet the idea of a 9 to 5 is pretty tough to swallow. It appears that Joe Schwartz has it figured out.

You don't know Joe Schwartz? Let me get you up to speed. Joe competed in Red Bull Rampage three times (and judged last year), rode in NWD 1-5, as well as Drop In and on Ride Guide and he's still seen on magazine covers worldwide. Joe is legit.

Joe and I did this interview last year and then it got hung up. Fortunately what we talked about still applies. Joe has become a big city boy after being born and raised in Nelson B.C. Having him in town was a great excuse to get out for a ride and take some photos. Last year at this time we couldn't get up high on the mountain so we did some low elevation laps. This year all the trails are wide open and the winter riding has been epic.

What can Joe teach you? He's carved out a life that involves getting paid to ride and ski for most of the year. He's a guide for Big Mountain Adventures as well as a coach at Summer Gravity Camps in Whistler and at his own camp in Calgary in the summer. Come winter he's leading paying customers at heli and cat ski operations around B.C. - but not this winter. He's paying some dues and doing some learning - as you'll see.

joe schwartz, kona, north shore, whistler, digger, extreme
February in Vancouver? Let's ride!

nsmb - How did you manage to become a sponsored freerider back in the days when there were very few sponsored riders who weren't racers?

Joe Schwartz - I was lucky enough to be there in the beginning of the “freeride movement”. Companies were looking to pick up riders, and there were film makers documenting the movement. A classic case of right time, right place. I impressed the right people, I suppose.

nsmb - How long did you ride for Kona Joe?

Well, I still ride for Kona, going on 8 years now. I was a Clump Team rider for 4 years.

joe schwartz, kona, north shore, whistler, digger, extreme
The Dempsey climb is nasty - but Joe has skills on the way up as well.

nsmb - Were you sponsored before Kona as well?

Joe - No bike sponsor, but I was supported by NRG Enterprises, who remain a loyal sponsor to this day.

Those of us who aren't sponsored imagine it's all free bikes and great trips. What sort of things do you remember about being a pro? Both the highs and the lows?

Joe - The free bikes and great trips are pretty sweet! Haha. Basically the chance to explore amazing countries and cultures with my friends and my bicycle, that was the highlight for sure. Injuries and pressure to produce film segments were sometimes hard to deal with though. All in all, the years I rode professionally were some of the best ever. Pretty carefree times.

joe schwartz, kona, north shore, whistler, digger, extreme
I'm not sure I know of anyone who has the outdoor life more dialled than Schwartzy.

You have certainly landed on your feet now. How was the transition from being a sponsored rider to becoming a regular - er - Joe?

It was definitely hard to turn away from all those film trips and quasi rockstar lifestyle. But I am a pretty laidback, mellow person, so my life these days suits me better. I found as soon as the contracts stopped, I became way more motivated to make things happen, to create a niche for myself. I feel so much more productive now than I did when I was a Factory rider.

How do you make a living these days? (maybe this is where you could give me a sort of calendar year snapshot of what you might be doing and where over the course of a year)

I am looking down the barrel of a packed winter schedule right now, as I am a certified backcountry ski guide. I will be working all over BC for different snowcat, heli, and ski touring lodges. I am still very involved in the mountain bike industry. I coach bike camps all over (look for me this season with Endless Biking and Summer Gravity camps). I am also a senior guide with Big Mountain Bike Adventures. I guide DH trips in Switzerland every summer, as well as trips in the Kootenays. I am very involved with my sponsors, doing R&D work, consulting, and general promotions.

joe schwartz, kona, north shore, whistler, digger, extreme
Skinnies may be out of fashion but I appreciate a rider with old school skills.

You are still riding Konas. What bikes have you the most stoked right now?

That depends on my mood. I am a bit of a bike slut, so I love them all. I put the beat down to my CoilAir with the Magic Link this summer, putting 300,000 vertical feet of descending on that bike in 33 days in Switzerland, and many, many singletrack adventures here in BC. So I am most impressed with that bike right now, as it is still going strong. I am the most stoked on adding a sweet city cruiser to my quiver right now, hopefully this spring!

Do you still have a role with Kona?

Interesting you should ask. I am in the middle of working out a new deal with Kona. I am not going to let it all out of the bag, but it will involve big mountains, wild adventures and a piece of the dream every true mountain biker is chasing.

joe schwartz, kona, north shore, whistler, digger, extreme
Getting set up for a deceptively tricky move on Lower Digger.

You've been hanging out on the North Shore lately. How have you been enjoying fall riding and living in the city?

I am loving it here. Loving it. I live in Strathcona (East Van represent), it’s so perfect. Close to the heart of the city, but easy to escape to the mountains. It is all a slightly different pace from the Kootenays, but oddly, I feel right at home.

Any trails or mountains that have really lit your fire?

Cypress shuttles have been fun, our Thursday industry meetings/rides are great too. The best has been following Wade on our numerous adventure rides all fall. He has pretty much made my fall the best riding season ever. Thanks buddy! Oh, I can’t tell you what we rode, I have been sworn to secrecy.

joe schwartz, kona, north shore, whistler, digger, extreme
Joe making it look easy.

How long have you been coaching Summer Gravity Camps? How do you like that experience?

I have been with Summer Gravity Camps for 5 years now. I love the camps. Hanging in Whistler, shredding every day, spending time with uber-stoked campers, and super solid coaches. I have had the chance to see some of my campers grow up and become very talented riders, some of whom coach with us now. Makes me feel slightly old.

You've ridden all over the world with Big Mountain. If you had to pick one ride as a favourite where would it be - and tell us a little about why that's your first choice. What bike you'd ride, - maybe even who you'd like to have along.

Oh man, there are so many all time rides I have done with Big Mountain. My favourite would be one of the many DH epics in Switzerland, with my brothers Pete and Evan. I would ride my CoilAir, with fresh rubber and new grips, and we would end the day with a BBQ and beers at La Vallee hotel in Lourtier. Also, fresh pain au chocolates would be crucial mid-descent.

joe schwartz, kona, north shore, whistler, digger, extreme
There are some corners here on the North Shore but don't tell anybody.

How has your experience of riding changed now that you aren't being filmed and photographed as much?

It definitely has. Filming pushed my riding to levels that I don’t aspire to these days, and I miss the rush of stomping something really large and scary. These days I am more in it for the experience. I take the time to appreciate everything associated with the ride. The people you are spending time with, the views, all the other things you may overlook when getting rad is the main objective.

I don't know many current or former pros who are also readers. What are you reading these days?

My favourite book recently is Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. I just finished Fast Food Nation, which was pretty eye-opening, and I am starting Blink, by Malcom Gladwell. I am not ashamed to admit I am a total bookworm.

joe schwartz, kona, north shore, whistler, digger, extreme
This coaster on Lower Crippler is currently being rebuilt - but it was still functional this time last year.

Obviously the industry has changed a lot since you got into the game. Do you think we're going in the right direction?

I think the industry is getting pulled in a lot of random directions right now, which kind of dilutes our overall product of mountain cycling. That said, any hype in the industry is great, especially if it gets outsiders interested and involved with our amazing sport. I am excited to be involved with the industry these days, a lot of good things are happening.

Do you think the pre-occupation with slope style and dirt jumping is good for mountain biking?

In the end, any publicity is good publicity. We have to keep the mountain in mountain biking though.

joe schwartz, kona, north shore, whistler, digger, extreme
Taking it home at speed.

You are a Kootenay boy. I haven't ridden much up there for some time. How is the scene and how are the trails these days?

Uhhhh, nothing going on there. Don’t bother, really. There’s just logging roads to ride on.
Haha, no, the scene is alive and well there, so many new trails getting built and fun people to ride them with. The Nelson Cycling Club is doing a great job in Nelson, and there are so many great micro-scenes all through the Kootenays.

Now that 2010 has rolled around do you have any updates?

Had a great summer, highlights were photo trips to Bolivia and Iceland, as well as my regular coaching and guiding.

joe schwartz, kona, north shore, whistler, digger, extreme
Experiencing some Swiss Bliss. Joe guides in Switzerland for Big Mountain in the summers.

Carried the torch in Nelson on Jan 23rd, the first Canadian to do so on a freeride mtn bike. It was an amazing experience. I am currently in the Marketing Management program at the BCIT School of Business, which is full on, but I am learning a lot. Guiding on my breaks. This Olympic break I am going back to the Kootenays to get my powder fix in. Plans for the summer: working with Kona promoting the Magic Link bikes, planning a big adventure trip in June, and then a lot of coaching (Summer Gravity and the Joe Schwartz Freeride Camp July 5-9 in Calgary). Going back to Switzerland to guide two dh trips for Big Mountain.

joe schwartz, kona, north shore, whistler, digger, extreme
For Joe carrying the Olympic torch on January 23rd was 'an amazing experience.'

Any last words or shout outs?

Big ups to my faithful sponsors: Kona, Smith, Sombrio, NRG Enterprises, Chromag and Bell. Also to my new big city friends for showing me around. And especially Rachel.

Thanks Joe!

Ivan...este te va a gustar

The Longest Way 1.0 - one year walk/beard grow time lapse from Christoph Rehage on Vimeo.

Matt Hunter y Trod Hansen en ación


Lecciones de KIRT VOREIS

A ponerlo en práctica


Entrevista a JAKE BURTON

Gurú del snowboard tal como lo conocemos y propietario de BURTON SNOWBOARD


RACE FACE de excursión

Wade Simmons y la familia RACE FACE de excursión en WHISTLER; la canción no tiene desperdicio....

Raceface Whistler from Ambrose Weingart on Vimeo.


Así se entrena GREG MINNAR

La familia MALOJA crece

Oscar Saiz, es el último fichaje de MALOJA. Oscar llevará la ropa casual de la marca Alemana. La familia crece y se une al fichaje de Marga Fullana.

En Manzaneda Bikepark, MALOJA será esta temporada sponsor oficial del equipo de Bike Patrols así como apoyará alguno de los eventos de la temporada.

Más info en: http://upanddownsports.es/


Uno de los mejores equipos de KAYAK EXTREME del mundo nos muestra uno de sus últimos viajes por diferentes países de Europa.



Os presentamos a uno de los tipos más locos que ha dado el MTB Internacional; sus vuelos no son normales y su recuperación después de cada fogonazo que se pega parece sacada de una peli de superheros.

Robbie Bourdon Greatest Hits by Oakley - More Mountain Bike Videos


RIDE GUIDE...una simple y buena idea de conocer varios spots de nieve en España.






Simpel Session 2010 - Skate: LIVE ON FREECASTER

Otro fin de semana lluvioso por el Norte; nuestra recomendación para este fin de semana es la 10º edición de uno de los eventos más madrugadores del panorama internacional y que contará con la participación de skaters de la talla de Axel Cruysberghs, dos veces medalla de plata de la Simpel Session, Chris Pfanner y Phil Zwijsen, Ryan Sheckler, Tom Penny, Austen Seaholm y Javier Sarmiento entre otros.



Una de las nuevas modas...estamos intentando conseguir uno para llevárnoslo a MANZANEDA.

Geary Technologies Snow Bike Promotional Video- "The Storm" from Chris Newman on Vimeo.



TRANSITION BIKES y su rider LARS STERNBERG nos enseñan a tomar curvas...